The Philosophy Behind Designer Clothing

There are a high number of designer clothing brands across the globe, all competing for market share. But with so much competition from each other, as well as from high-street fashion and high-end fashion, what drives individuals to buy designer label clothing in the first place?

Is it quality?
One of the things often associated with this type of clothing is the quality of not only the items themselves but also the manufacturing process. In general, designer clothing is made from high-quality materials, using machines fit for purpose So Kamal summer wedding wear. The components involved in manufacture from the thread to the embellishments are also believed to be of a superior quality to general clothing. The main motivation behind buying quality is that you are buying durable clothing. Some people link the quality and therefore value of the clothes with the number of wears they can get out of it.

Is it brand ethics?
Another factor to consider when looking at why people choose designer clothing is the ethics behind the company. With so many companies increasing their profit margins by manufacturing in third world countries where working conditions and pay are poor, some people prefer to look at the bigger picture than just the basic price of the item. People may choose a designer clothing brand specifically due to it’s ethos on how and where its garments are produced.

Is it wealth?
Another thing associated with designer labels is that it conveys wealth. This is believed to be one of the philosophies behind purchasing designer brands. Everyone can afford to buy general clothing items but only some can afford to buy designer brands, and fewer still can buy high-fashion labels. It is therefore believed that by wearing designer clothing, you are conveying how much money you have. Research shows that perceived wealth is more important in males than females.

Is it personality?
As each designer brand has a different overall style, unique to the brand, people can often match their style to that particular brand. Take the brand Duck and Cover for example. This brand is synonymous with quirky and distinct fashion garments. People who believe that their personality is unusual and quirky may therefore choose to wear Duck and Cover clothing in order to convey their personality to others. It is true that outgoing and confident people want to look different from those around them and they therefore choose clothing styles which will allow them to do this. It is often achieved through heavily slogan-ed, patterned or branded items or by pieces in bold, vibrant colours.

Is it the look?
Possibly one of the main motivations for buying designer wear is that you like the look of it. People who fall into this philosophical approach to fashion don’t tend to just buy designer clothing, but often mix it with general high-street pieces too. They tend to buy items they like the look of despite the brand on the label.

Whatever your philosophy is regarding designer clothing, there are a high number of designer clothing brands to choose from and many more items within their specific ranges each season.

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