Benefits of Dog Daycare

I have a confession to make. I don’t exercise my dog as much as I should. Between work, family, and household obligations, walking the dog for an hour a day sometimes falls through the cracks. And I’m not alone. With pet ownership on the rise among busy singles as well as double-income households, it’s no wonder that latch key pets often misbehave when home alone. That’s where dog daycare comes in. Dog daycare provides exercise, and has positive effects on canine mental health. Without adequate exercise and stimulation, your best friend can become bored and engage in inappropriate behaviors. In this article, I’ll discuss some of the benefits of Dog trainer near me.

Exercise: Daycare provides your loving canine with hours of play with other dogs. Daycare staff assess your dog’s temperament and match your pet to others with his energy level and temperament. This matching process ensures that your pal has good time. Daycare fills in the gaps in the exercise I provide and helps keep him trim and fit. Running, playing, and getting a good workout with friends is a fantastic way to keep pets in good physical condition.

Socialization: As much I love my dog, I know that he needs to socialize with other canines in order to be balanced. Dogs are highly social animals by nature. There’s nothing better for your dog than the power of regularly engaging in pack behaviors with other dogs. Daycare pups have less anxiety around other dogs. Regular play with other pooches builds confidence and improves your dog’s communication skills. Without it, he may not understand the subtle social cues and body language that dogs learn only from each other. That attitude comes in really handy when your pup doesn’t pull your arm off during a walk at the sight of the neighbor’s German Shepherd. Since sending my dog to daycare, walks around the neighborhood and trips to the dog park have become more enjoyable for him AND me.

Improved behavior: Many behavior problems occur when pet owners are away from home and their dogs are left alone. Pent up energy can lead to excessive barking, whining, or howling. Without appropriate outlets, dogs can mistakenly choose to “play” with your furniture, shoes, the trash, or your food. Dog daycare is one of the best ways to redirect your him into enriching activities. Upon their return home, they are generally calmer and better behaved.

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