5 Quick Things You Can Do Today to Boost Your Music Career

Let’s get to the point. Who has time to read articles? There are songs to write, concerts to play, careers to promote!

So in this article you will find five doable tips in five “key areas” (as I like to call them) of your music career that, once addressed, can yield radical results. And the good thing is that you can do all this today buy 100 sound cloud plays.

Here are the 5 key areas and a quick tip for each.

TIP 1: Branding.

Let’s start with some questions: have you ever wondered what you should post on social networks and on your website when you are in a hiatus between events, concerts and album releases? Still wondering what to use as your header image?

How about making all those things reflect a message:

It. That. You. You want.

It’s time to update your social media accounts and website so they reflect what you want and who you are.

TIP 2: Presentations.

Every year, millions of children line up and ask Santa Claus for what they want for Christmas. They are excited to see him and feel no shame in telling him his wish list, without fear of him saying NO.

Somewhere along the way, we lose this courage and stop sharing and asking for what we want. What to do today? Make a request to someone in a Yes/No question format and see what happens!

TIP 3: Relationships.

Build relationships online by commenting on others’ posts, asking your followers questions to get to know them better, sharing others’ content (and tagging them for the extra benefits of cross-promotion!), and responding to anything positive.

TIP 4: Money.

Okay, a warning: this tip is too long for one post.

The way you think about and relate to money can make a difference in how your yearly financial year goes. About money I think the following: money is like air… there is enough for everyone, and the more you breathe in, the more you will breathe out. So take a look at your last 6 months of money in and out. Once you have a clear figure of the AVERAGE you spend per month and the average you NEED, you can be clear about how much it is convenient for you to generate. Spoiler alert: it may be less than you think!

TIP 5: Finish things .

Is there a task on your list that you always put off? Procrastination is one of the great barriers to the success of a musician. The remedy? Break down big tasks into concrete microtasks. And (this is a pro tip) then schedule those tasks in your planner, not on a to-do list or on a napkin or a Post-it note.


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