A Natural Bodybuilding Diet Plan For Muscle Gains Without Body Fat

An effective natural bodybuilding diet looks nothing like what you read in fitness magazines. Honestly, you can’t trust many of the info in those magazines voedingsschema spieropbouw man. Their revenue stream comes from advertisers who want to sell a ton of supplements. Also a large number of the models in the magazines take steroids and not just the big guys either.

Timing of Nutrients is the Key to an Effective Natural Bodybuilding Diet

In order to add muscle without body fat, you want to take in the most amount of protein and carbs when your body is most likely to digest these nutrients. If it can use these nutrients, then it won’t get stored as body fat. It seems like common sense, but many people ignore the idea of meal timing. Here is how to structure your meals around your workout routine.

1) Eat Your Biggest Meal One Hour After Training: This is when your muscles are starving for nutrients. You could get away with eating 50% of your daily calories in this meal. The reason you don’t want to eat immediately after your workout like many people recommend is that the insulin spike will stop the body’s release of HGH. Since HGH is a potent fat burning hormone, you don’t want to blunt its effects with a meal. If you are concerned with muscle loss, then take a few BCAA (branched chain amino acids) tablets to get protein without affecting HGH release.

2) Eat Another Meal One Hour After The Previous Meal: This meal won’t be as large as the meal you eat one hour after training. What you want to do here is eat a meal that is still high in protein, but maybe not quite as many carbs. This is a way to get additional muscle building protein without overdoing the calories from carbs.

3) All Other Meals Are Smaller With Less Carbs: Don’t go nuts and be afraid of carbs, simply eat the highest carb meals in that 2 hour window after training. If the meal is later at night, you will want to keep the carbs and calories lower than if the meal was eaten earlier in the day.

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