From Land Based Casinos to Online Casinos: Making the Switch

Gambling is a great past time enjoyed by countless players around the world. Everyone has their own reasons for playing, and their own favorite games. Card sharks try their hands at Poker, Blackjack, Baccarat, Pai Gow, and even War; lovers of table games gravitate towards Craps and Roulette, and slot spinners are always hunting down jackpots on the slot machines. Traditionally, gambling occurs at a variety of physical locations, whether it be a small game of Poker at a friend’s house, a dice game in a back alley somewhere, or any of the multitude of games offered at a regular casino, nearly everyone can have a good time playing the games.

In this 21st century we live in, however, more and more games and activities are moving to a new stage: the internet. The area of casinos and gambling is no exception. No longer is it necessary to pack up the family and go on a vacation to get to the casinos, and you don’t have to go searching for others to get in on home games. With online casinos, you can gamble any day of the week, no matter what time of day or night, all from your home desktop, or laptop. Both online, and land based casino have their own pros and cons that must be considered, but online casinos are increasingly looking like the easier and safer choice.

One of the big reasons to go with online casinos is their very generous payout rates. Land based casinos have sky high overhead costs, and the players ultimately end up footing the bill. Land based casinos, first of all, have to purchase their real estate for millions of dollars, so you end up paying for their land. They also have to run massive air conditioning/heating units, as well as countless lights and other electrical apparatuses, leading to huge electrical bills; once again the player must pay for the land based casinos’ electrical bill! These are only a few of the costs associated with running a land based casino, which get passed on the player; with online casinos, most (if not all) of these costs are largely reduced, or completely eliminated, and the online casinos end up passing the savings on to their players.

These reasons make it clear why the payout rates for online casinos are much higher than at land based casinos. Typically, land based casinos pay players out at a rate of less than 80% of the total amounts wagered at the casino, but online casinos are usually at a rate of more than 95%. In fact, some online casino payout rates are as high as 98%! This means your chances of winning big are a lot higher at online casinos than at their land based counterparts.

Still skeptical? It’s normal to be a little wary of transferring your money over the internet; after all, there are a lot of scammers out there trying to make a quick buck by stealing it from innocent people. Don’t fret though, there are plenty of online casinos run by respected businesses, which are regulated by strict gaming commissions, and audited by third party examiners who make sure the casinos are fair and trustworthy. Just be smart about playing and make sure to check out websites like, which have located and reviewed those reputable online casinos before you play. Online gambling portals and player advocate sites like have done most of the work for you in weeding out the bad casinos, leaving you with only fair and responsible online casinos to choose from.


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