The finest hotels in any country are those that boast of the savviest casements. There is so much in praise of these versatile, energy-efficient window style that almost every hospitality haven considers it a luxury to fit their hotels, resorts and luxury properties with casements.

Long before the sash window became popular, casement windows were a common sight in every household. Traditionally, casements are attached to the window frame by one or two hinges at the side. A lever or crank attached to the casement is then used to open the window and hold it in place, while at the same time serving as a window lock. The hook-shaped casement locks are embedded within the window frame, making it extremely difficult for miscreants to break into buildings fitted with casements.

What’s most likable about casement windows is that they can be widely opened inwards or outwards to lure in every whiff of fresh air and funnel hard-to-catch breezes into the living space. Today, most hotels include casements as part of their renovation plans, making this window solution one of the sure-fire winners of the 21st century window technology. Guests at hotels are known to enjoy the timeless beauty and enhanced ventilation offered by these classic windows, with some patrons vowing never to stay at hotels that have no casements installed.

Casements add an old-world charm to the exterior as well as interior facets of a building and can be decorated to suit the international aesthetics of world-class hotels. With their vinyl frames in a stunning choice of vibrant hues, casements can be customized to complement any theme, décor or interior design of a room. They can also be fitted with crystal clear, translucent or frosted glass to render an overall ethereal feel to the occupants of the room.

Decorating casement windows is an art by itself. Wooden blinds, satin curtains, stylish drapes, modern screens and chic roller shades all look fabulous on casements. The ingenuity lies in blending the decorations to get along well with the other furnishings in the room.

Simplicity and lightness of material should be borne in mind while decorating casements. While choosing curtains or hangings for casements, try not to make the universal folly of draping the windows with a rich, handsome hue that seems quite out of place and over-powering. Casements are simply not cut out to walk the ramp with ornate hangings and heavy designs.

Though most people fall head-over-heel in love with tall casements and the myriad ornamental possibilities on a lofty frame, experts strictly advise never to sport those taller than four feet. The uneasiness involved in opening and closing these tall beauties can badly strain your first good impression of a well-adorned casement.

Renowned windows solution providers and manufacturers in India offer customized casement windows that look great on the walls of five star international hotels as well as ethnic, rustic-themed resorts. Check out those companies that have complete control over the entire supply chain of windows manufacture, right from production of PVC resin to extrusion, fabrication and installation. They alone can ensure quality installation and effective after-sales service for the new architectural feature you plan to enhance your hotel with.

Fenesta is India’s first ever window solutions provider, specializing in the design, manufacture, installation and service of UPVC window systems. Fenesta is India’s leading manufacturer of casement windows. For more

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One thought on “Hotels That Showcase Casement Windows Run a Better Show”
  1. Some casement windows are pushed open and closed manually using a handle, but the majority use a hand crank, which is typically positioned on the bottom of the window frame. Casement windows offer large, continuous expanses of glass because there is only one sash. Compared to other types of windows, casement windows are the best at preventing air infiltration when closed. If you have any questions about the cost of casement windows, contact Marvin Canada.

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