Recognizing Good Feng Shui
If you want to create good feng shui in your present house or are looking to buy a new house that has good feng shui, there are some simple, basic guidelines that can help you recognize good energy. Let’s look into the main areas responsible for creating good feng shui energy in a house.
Evaluate the Outdoors
A good feng shui house has no sha chi (attacking) or si chi (low) energy in the landscape surrounding the house. Carefully study the outside of your home, looking at your surroundings with fresh eyes. Do you live in a house on a cul-de-sac or in a house at a T-junction? Do you live close to the railroad? Is your backyard sloped? Usually, houses with these conditions have challenging feng shui that needs to be managed. Creating a beautiful garden, no matter how small, will help attract beneficial feng shui energy to your house and can compensate for such conditions.
Energy Flow at the Front Door
A good feng shui house has a smooth lilian too, strong and clear energy flow to its front door. Is the chi, or feng shui energy flow, blocked on its way to your front door? Is there a big tree, or any other feature blocking the flow to your front door?
Improving the feng shui of the front door is often fairly easy. It may be a just matter of a better feng shui color or new hardware. Do you block the pathway yourself with recycling bins, old pots, or shoes outside the front door? Such things are easily remedied.
Direction of Energy in the Main Entry
A good feng shui house has a main entry area designed to welcome, strengthen, and channel the incoming feng shui energy. This will nourish your entire house and create good energy throughout.
What is the first thing you see as you enter your house? Pay attention to where the energy (your attention) goes immediately. Does it go straight to a bathroom that is close to the front door? Or is it pushed right back by a mirror facing the front door? Do you have a staircase facing the front door? Or, maybe your front door is aligned to the back door so that most of the good energy entering the house immediately escapes. All these conditions are hindrances to good feng shui.
For good feng shui, the energy has to be attracted into the house, then channeled through all rooms, especially the kitchen and the bedroom.
Strong Feng Shui Trinity
A good feng shui house depends on having good feng shui anchored in its three main energy centers—the bedroom, the kitchen, and the bathroom. Be sure all three areas have a strong feng shui foundation and always be aware of the quality of energy in these three centers.
It’s impossible to have a good feng shui house without a good feng shui bedroom, a good feng shui kitchen, and a good feng shui bathroom.
Look for Fresh Energy
A good feng shui house is one that is nourished by fresh, clear, and free-flowing energy. There is no stagnant, old, or blocked energy anywhere in the house. Everything around us is in constant flow, in constant change. So, even after you’ve created a strong feng shui foundation, the work continues. Get into the habit of keeping the energy fresh and flowing, and be very mindful of not creating areas where energy is stuck.
Stuck, stagnant energy in a specific area of your house will sooner or later express itself in stagnation in an area of your life. Get rid of your clutter, clear out your closets, your basement, and your garage; once these areas are clean, do not let them accumulate more clutter.
Use basic space-clearing tips at least once a week. Good, fresh feng shui energy expresses itself in a clean space, fresh air, plenty of good light, and happy, meaningful energy as expressed in decor items.
Continue Exploring
As you attempt to create good feng shui in a house, start small so that you aren’t overwhelmed by information. First and foremost, trust your senses and go at your own pace. After all, it is your house, and you need to feel empowered and strong when you make any changes in your house. Practicing this way is the essence of good feng shui.