The Use Of Medical Shampoos

Medical shampoos are not recommended to be used if not needed – Dry Scalp.

How do you know that medical shampoos are needed?

Well there will be signs showing when one is in must to use medical shampoos, such as:

– White Dandruff – Cause of dry scalp
– Yellow Dandruff – Cause of excessive oily scalp
– Hair loss
– Scalp Exanthema
– Scalp Dermatitis

These are few of many scalp conditions that one has in order to use medical shampoos. When using medical shampoos one need to keep in mind that these shampoos aren’t there to moisture your hair or add volume. Far from it, so one may think that certain shampoos are ‘bad’ just because they will leave the hair as dry, harsh or without shine. Nevertheless let us guide you real quick on how one shall use these products properly.

Shampoo – use twice and leave for the amount of minutes suggested in the directions. (Found at the back of the bottle. If suggested)

Conditioner – Use once after the shampoo and use it only with the scalp. Massage it through and leave it on for at least 3 minutes. Now since this is a strictly scalp use only, One is needed to use a normal conditioner of their daily use for the rest on the hair.

Leave in conditioner- Lastly one needs to use the medical leave in conditioner which comes with the same range of the shampoo and conditioner, massage through and leave in without rinsing.

These shampoos and conditioners are often made by peppermint or mint. Peppermint and mint has a tendency to suit the scalp when it itches it also has anti-inflammatory properties. In cases such as an excessive oil – The peppermint helps to absorb the oils.

In cases such as a dry scalp dandruff- The peppermint helps to cool the scalp and eliminate the dandruff.